Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Perfect Lips: How To?




Lips are the first thing men look at when they judge the attractiveness of a woman. With our tips you can be sure that you always have great lips.

A line may seem a little bit old-fashioned, it still stays secretly a perfect tool to make your lips look fuller. Draw a line on top of the boundary of your lips. Make sure that the color of the pencil is of the same color as that of the lipstick, otherwise you make yourself ridiculous.

Dull colored lipsticks make your lips look smaller. So go for a bit of lip gloss to make your lips appear fuller. A lip primer gives also a fuller effect, and it also ensures that the lipstick stays in place.

Red lipstick

According to makeup specialists, anyone can use with red lipstick, it's all about finding the right shade. So try out different red colors in the store until you've found your color. One of the advantages of red and other bright lipstick is that your teeth are automatically whiter.

Optical illusion

For an optical illusion on your Cupid's bow (the bow of your upper lip) draw a line in a slightly lighter shade. This helps you achieve your lips look naturally fuller and healthier. Apply a little gloss in the center of your lower lip and it will provide the same optical effect.

How-To step by step

First, apply a balm to your lips and leave the product for a few minutes. Wipe away any excess ointment with a tissue.

Put some concealer on your lips so they get a neutral tone and put the concealer in place with a little face powder.

Draw with a pencil a border around your lips. Start at the Cupid's bow and work further to the sides of the lips.

Provide the same lipstick color as your lip liner and use a brush to fill the color on your lips. Press a tissue between your lips to get rid of any excess and then apply a second coat of lipstick to obtain a solid color.

Going for red lips? Make sure the rest of your makeup is very sober.

Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and Kim Kardashian announce online death




Celebrities such as Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Ryan Seacrest, Elijah Wood and Serena Williams stop on December 1, 2010 with all their online activities. The stop is retained until the organization "Keep A Child Alive' has collected $ 1,000,000.

'Keep a Child Alive' is an organization that raises money to help fight AIDS. "It is remarkable that no one cares about the thousands of deaths caused by this disease, while a celebrity's online death can bring about an online storm," say the organizers of 'Keep a Child Alive'.

The initiative comes from Alicia Keys. Lady Gaga has 7 million followers on Twitter and all the other celebrities have on average one million. "If all these people donate a little money, they can soon be enjoying again their favorite twitter posts", said Keys. The celebrities are fully available for the initiative. "Everyone I've contacted said yes." The celebrities will also feature in a TV commercial where they lie in a coffin to announce their Internet death.

December 1 has previously been declared a World Aids day.

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