Friday, March 19, 2010

Morning-After Pill Doesn't Lower Unwanted Pregnancies.

The number of unwanted pregnancies do not lower, even if women have the morning-after pill at home.
The number of unwanted pregnancies do not lower, even if women have the morning-after pill at home. This shows a global study.
According to the advocates of the morning-after pill, women should always keep an emergency pill in their medicine cabinet. This to make sure they don't need to run the pharmacist or doctor. But a recent research done with 7695 women from the United States, Sweden, China and India showed that the number of unwanted pregnancies is thereby not reduced. Women who are most at risk of an unwanted pregnancy don't take the morning-after pill. Women with a lower risk of an unwanted pregnancy are taking the pill after unsafe sex.

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Adulterers Seldom Feel Guilty

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery - Men and Women rarely feel guilty about their extra-marital affairsImage by Marshall Astor via Flickr
Men and women who cheat their partner feel rarely guilty for it. This shows a survey of the magazine Viva.

Of the 500 subjects surveyed 92% says they never feel guilty about the affair. 70% of the men blamed their affair with his physical lust, in women this percentage to 56%. Due to the rise of the Internet, more and more people meet a lover or mistress through a dating website. The most common meeting places are obviously a hotel, car or work.

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Women Jealous At Other Women...

September 1943 Woman's Day Magazine, Women being jealous of the physical look and financial situation of their female friendsImage by clotho98 via Flickr
Women are very jealous for the look and the financial situation of other women. This shows a survey of 2,000 women by the magazine Woman's Day.

More than half of the women surveyed admitted to be jealous now and then of some other woman's appearance. 45% sometimes feel a touch of jealousy when they find out how much the other woman earns.

Single women feel in 63% of the cases jealousy concerning their married friends. 20% "don't like" their girlfriends being more slim or having a nicer man.
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More Sex At Work In 2010

In 2010 the workplace stays a hotbed for relationships. More than two third of the singles ever entered a relationship with a colleague. In the meanwhile sex at work happens more and more often.

Approximately 71% of the singles starts a relationship with somebody from work. Their sentiments though are not limited to the available singles. In less than 41% it concerns a secret relationship since the other partner is already "taken"; this is what reports

Remarkable fact: the number of colleagues that has sex during office hours increases from 6 to 11% over the last four years.

The remaining 7% limits itself to sexual "acts". The number of lovers that sticks to hugging and tongue kissing remained unchanged with 23%.

Short Term
Many of the resulting relationships do not last long: approximately 36% of the relationships has a durability of less than half a year.

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Combination Obesity and Alcohol Deadly for the Liver

Obesity + Drinking a double threat to the liver. Overweight people who drink daily alcohol or suffering diabetes are much more likely to end up with a liver cirrhosis.Image by Tobyotter via Flickr
Women who hare obese and drink at least two glasses of wine everyday have to be especially careful: they are  very likely to suffer sooner or later from liver cirrhosis. For obese men the risk is nineteen times higher!

Liver diseases have long time been linked to daily alcohol consumption, but a six year long British investigation into this subject shows that obesity can seriously damage the liver. Because obese people have a fatter liver they built up more and more fats and eventually the liver will become infected. In the long run this will lead to liver cirrhosis. Especially for people drinking alcohol often or suffering from diabetes the risk is very high.

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