Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Puberty Starts At 8 and Ends At 28

Puberty start at eight and ends at twenty-eight year, Australian Psychologists say.

Puberty actually begins already in childhood and ends only when the children are twenty-eight. That is the conclusion of some Australian psychologists.

All educational models assume that puberty starts around the age of twelve and ends when we are twenty-one. Wrong, say Australian psychologists. In their opinion puberty already starts at eight years old and continues until you're eight twenty.

If the allegations of the Australian professors are correct, this could give a seismic shift at education level. This would mean parents should be aware that children begin to discover themselves more quickly and that this problem phase lasts much longer. Many parents remember the trouble they've had with their twenty-five-year-old children, sometimes seeming like an "unsupportable" character. Following their conclusion, this might be explained easily. They are still in puberty and are still struggling with their own personal development," the professors say.

Dating Sites Are Untrustworthy

Dating sites and relation agencies are more then often untrustworthy according to consumer organizations.

According to the survey of a consumer organization, dating sites and relation agencies are often not to be trusted. More than often they lure customers with rather obscure practices. .

Most of the time these agencies haven't enough customers to be effective in helping somebody with a partner. In order to overcome the problem, they start to deceit. They arrange for instance a date with people who were paid by the agencies themselves or with people who don't even exist.

Customers of a marriage agency may need to pay first before they come into contact with some potential partner.


The on-line dating business is even more dangerous, according to the researchers. Customers can often register only after they have completed an expensive subscription, without any guarantee of success.

The chat sessions on dating sites are often deceitful, they use hostesses with fake profiles to  take care of the chats and meetings or dates are postponed until the customer has renewed his or her subscription.

According to the consumer organization it concerns an abuse of the weakness or the loneliness of the members. It is very unusual for clients of dating sites or agencies to go to court.

Blondes Have Higher Wages

Blond Women may carry with them the stigma of stupidity, it doesn't keep them passing by all other women on the wage scale. That's what says a study published in the Journal of Economics Letters.

When the standard annual salary is 22,000 euros, blondes earn 1600 euros on average more. The partners of blonds earn a lot more than their colleagues. About the reasons the researchers as yet very vague, but presidents of blondes clubs think to have the answer: "Blondes are more fun and go more out. This automatically brings them to richer, social men. The more sociable you also are, the better you perform in the workplace.".

Nicole Richie Inspired by Jack The Ripper

Nicole Richie is inspired by Jack the Ripper for her new clothing collection

Nicole Richie is very busy with the designs of her new clothing collection "The House of Harlow 1960". The inspiration for this theme is coming from the movie "From Hell", where the serial killer Jack the Ripper is chased by the police.

"My biggest inspiration for this season were the characters Jack the Ripper and the Freemasons," says Richie. The collection contains therefore capes, crochet tights, blazer jackets and debardeurs. To brighten up the pretty dark theme, Richie added some colorful flower dresses.

Victoria Beckham Finds Peace With Yoga

Celebrities News: Victoria Beckham gets into yoga like colleague celebrity Jennifer Aniston.

It is a known fact that Victoria Beckham hates sport. Therefor she's always searching for new methods and ways to keep her body efficiently in top shape.
She seems to have found it with yoga.

Jennifer Aniston adores it since several years already and apparently Victoria Beckham has got the taste of it as well now.
During the sports and meditation lessons special exercises are being created that keep your body in top condition and at the same time your spirit in peace. "Already after a couple of weeks Victoria felt the difference. She's more quiet, peaceful and has nothing against the three weekly sports exercises anymore." (according to insiders)

Tap Water Makes You Fat

Tap Water makes one fat instead of loosing weight due to Bisphenol and Estrogen slipping through London's purification filters.

London's tap water is not as healthy as what people would think. Research shows that you can grow fat instead of helping to loose weight. That says nutritionist Adam Carey.

Bisphenol and Estrogen

The water purification stations in London are often unable to stop all soluble chemicals. So there is still a lot of Bisphenol in the water, and this substance could eventually lead to heart diseases and diabetes. The hormone estrogen is also often present in London's tap water. This allows you to start accumulating more fat rather than to get rid of it.

Still, Carey promotes the use of water, albeit with a strong water filter or simply by drinking bottled water.

Daily Multivitamin Causes Cancer

Daily Multivitamin causes Cancer according to Swedish Researchers.

Multivitamin to increase resistance

Persons who take a daily multivitamin tablet together with their food were 20% more likely to develop breast cancer. That's what Swedish researchers say at least.

Many elder women swallow a vitamin pill daily to improve their bones and to increase their resistance. But now research shows that such groups have up to 20% greater risk of getting breast cancer. Yet the professors add that it is not so much due to the multi-vitamin tablets, but rather the unhealthy lifestyle of the women that does increase the risk for breast cancer.

Eating unhealthy

"Women take multivitamin tablets because they fear that they are eating unhealthy and therefor destroy their resistance. A multivitamin would suddenly solve everything," said the scientists. "Our research also shows that these tablets would extend the breast tissue. This may in the long run also lead to an increased risk, the researchers decided.

999 people half naked through London for free tickets

Naked Through London: Air Lingus launched a Cheap Flight Ticket by giving away 2 free tickets to every of the 999 persons running almost naked through London.

Cheap flight tickets

The Irish carrier Aer Lingus has called for 999 passengers in underwear to go through London. In return they received two free tickets. The call was followed massively, almost-nude often changed to completely naked.

Aer Lingus's stunt was to draw attention to its cheap flights starting from GBP £9,99. The campaign was launched Tuesday at Saint Patrick's Day. The naked guests wore at the occasion a green leaf as a symbol for Ireland.


The green leaf and underwear were sometimes left behind under the bright spring sunshine. "Once out of sight of the police, some participants were indeed completely out of their clothes, to the delight of the audience," said a spokesman for Aer Lingus.

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