Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mid-life Crisis Starts At 25

Midlife Crisis women starts already at 25

Men buy a shiny Harley, let their hair grow and look for a younger woman. Also women experience a midlife crisis, but a lot earlier than men.

Women grow up faster than men. That is an opinion many women share. This supposition has some truth in it according to analyst James Hollis. Apparently around twenty five already they start plunging in a midlife crisis. "When women realize that the world is not fair, that their dreams will never come true and that they have to face a life that won't be easy, something changes in their personality. They are depressed or start being dissolute: the midlife crisis has begun" says Hollis.

How to recognize a female midlife crisis?

Many women feel at some point in their early life aimlessly. They do not know where they want to go on with their lives, feel unhappy in their current job, get anxiety attacks and start to drink and shop. Some become depressed, others become very active and unfaithful. "Midlife crisis is different for every woman. But every woman will recognize it because they are going to feel completely different. They start thinking on everything deeper and longer and realize that their lives will never be the same again," said Hollis.

One-night-stand Rather Than Dates

American joungsters choose for one-night-stands rather then dates.

Romance seems far away for American students. A survey of 150 female and 71 male university students shows that twice as many youngster have one night stands than dates.

Women want to learn to know their first sexual partner via a date, but men are afraid to become depending in that way. Therefore the vast majority of men choose to woo a woman and rather convince her to have sex with him immediately.

The study also showed that it is almost always the man who takes the initiative for a one night stand.
Women are more like wait-and-see.

Controversial Sweetener Stevia Passes EU Tests

Stevia sweetener passes EU tests

Ideal sugar substitute

The controversial Stevia plant is for diet freaks since several years the ideal sugar substitute. And now it seems the European Union endorses to sell the plant in Europe.

Table sweetener Truvia

Critics claimed that the stevia leaves were carcinogenic and toxic. The American company Cargill Health and Nutrition, processing the plant in the low calorie sweetener Truvia, had the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) test the plant. That safety evaluation finally showed that the Stevia plant is safe for use as a sweetener; the EFSA also made already some recommendations about acceptable daily intake quantities for safe consumption. This positive evaluation is a first important step to the European approval and general availability of the sweetener Truvia.
The Truvia table sweetener is already the U.S.A. leader in the new category of sweeteners based on stevia. It is for 97% made of the best tasting part of the stevia leaf. The sweetener is two hundred times sweeter than sugar and provides food and beverage producers a new range of choices for the development of products with a natural sweetener without calories origin.

Healthy Chocolate

The Belgian chocolate producer Cavalier is the first one to produce a ‘Healthy Chocolate’ based on Stevia. They’re proud of being the first to make a healthier chocolate because of use of the Stevia as sweetener and that tickles the taste buttons better then the other Belgian chocolates according to their managing director. To be checked out!

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