Friday, April 30, 2010

Rihanna and Lady Gaga Encourage Youngsters To Having Sex

Celebrities Rihanna and Lady Gaga Encourage Youngsters To Having Sex - Celbrities, Celebraties, Celbratie, Celeb

Female artists who sing sexually suggestive songs, encourage their young listeners unconsciously to having sex. That's what British psychologists claim.

When known female artists sing about the joys of sex and portray the woman as the strong person in a relationship it will create a bad image for young children. "They think that sex is something powerful and not think about the consequences. But artists sing almost never about the many dangers of sex. Furthermore, it is often not the case that these young girls are effectively in control of the sexual intercourse, which means they can be forced by the other," said psychologist Jane McCartney.

According to psychologist Linda Papadopoulos you shouldn't even be fans of these singers to be affected. "The messages urge unconscious in our brains and make an influence anyway."

Steam and Clay Mask to Treat Wide Pores

Use Steam, Exfoliation and a Clay Mask to

Nothing is as irritating as wide pores. They easily get clogged, causing pimples and blackheads and thus ruining your entire look. We give some tips to counter wide pores.

Wide pores are not the result of a life-style or eating habits. It is simply genetically determined, like the color of your eyes or the shape of your mouth. So changing your food habits will have no influence. The secret is maintaining your wide pores clean. So remove sebum and dirt, and you prevent blackheads that result in little craters.


Go three times a week over a hot tub with a towel hanging over your head. The steam makes your pores deeply clean and no dirt remains. Then use a lotion that makes your skin tighten and finish with a cream that fills your pores. This brings the necessary moisture, but will also ensure that your pores are less visible.

Clay mask

Once a week you treat your skin with a thorough exfoliation, followed by a clay mask. The clay makes that extra sebum is removed and the oil production is further reduced. The choice of makeup, is also a nice helping hand. Choose non-fat, opaque makeup, go for a mineral-based powder.

Children and Stress

Children and Stress: children from single parent families have more stress to deal with

32% of Flemish children between 10 and 14 years are suffering from stress and anxiety. This is the conclusion from a large pilot study of stress specialist Dr Luc Swinnen done with 1377 children in 18 schools.

"Children are a forgotten group in the study of stress, while the problem is rather common amongst them," said Swinnen. "Like adults, with children stress manifests itself in different degrees. The lighter form comes and disappears again. These are reactions to a sudden change."

"In other cases it is a matter of prolonged stress. In the worst case it leads to behavioral changes and staying away from school. But often there's no adequate assistance because the stress problem is not recognized as such."

The research shows that girls are more sensitive to stress than boys. There is also a relationship between stress level and the family situation in which children grow up. "Children from single parent families have more stress to deal with," said Swinnen.

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