Monday, August 2, 2010

Weak Performances Carla Bruni Irritate Woody Alle.

Carla Bruni, the Fist Lady of France, walks new artistic paths. U.S. director Woody Allen has managed to give her a role in his new film 'Midnight in Paris'. The film is shot these days in Paris.

So far, so good if it wasn't that French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has not much blood of an actress! The first takes showed weak performances, performances that apparently annoyed Woody Allen tremendously.

The Italian singer needed as many as 35 takes for a scene where the brunette was not even talking. Bruni has the annoying habit to look straight into the camera.

"Woody Allen was pissed off, but very cautious. He does his utmost best to show respect, more over because Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is constantly guarded by bodyguards,"
according to Perez-Hilton.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited the set earlier to encourage his wife.

Out-working Mother Not Harmfull for Child.

A working mother is not necessarily bad for the family. That's what argue researchers at Columbia University.

"When women go out working, it's damaging to the children", was an assertion long supported by many studies. Now U.S. researchers say however that there is the other side of the medal. Thus, mothers spend effectively less time actually with their children, but the advantages to a working mother are greater than the disadvantages.

The financial status of the family is much better when the mother works. This allows the child to go to a better childcare center, and as such can benefit improved care. Moreover, the mothers have better mental  wellness, family relationships are healthier and can therefore spend more quality time with their children.

Italians lost their appeal?

According to a survey of over 1,000 female tourists, the Italian men have lost their appeal.

Italian men were once known for their flattery, and their romantic advances, briefly, to make the hearts of a lot of girls beat faster. But now female tourists associate Italian men mainly with an extremely infantile behavior (49%). They also think that too many Italians bring their feminine side too much forwards and they have lost their charm in the field of entertainment.

Students, entrepreneurs, entertainers and DJs are the most popular holiday lovers for tourists. The beach boys who lure people into nightclubs are completely out of 'love fashion'.

Snail Slime to Reduce Heavy Pains.

The slime produced by snails could become revolutionary in medicine. A study from the University of Queensland shows that snail slime is very soothing.

The snail slime is full of toxic peptides, which gives the snail the possibility to kill a prey. The snail slime was previously used to reduce pain, but had to be administered via an injection in the spine. The researchers from the University of Queensland, however, stabilized the peptides in such a way that they were capable of producing a pill.

According to the researchers, it could reduce extreme pains already at a very low dose. This could make for a revolution in treating painful conditions.

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