Realize that men are not so talkative beings as women. They prefer to bottle up their feelings or try to avoid them rather than confronting the problem and trying to resolve it. If the man in question sends you a text message or an email, do not be angry immediatly. Think of it as a first step in the right direction from his side, but remember that a good conversation at an appropriate time will still be necessary.
Sometimes men behave immediately after a quarrel very normal. They start to sing, do the dishes or put the garbage out as if nothing happened. Watch out, according to experts his is a very dangerous behavior: either they found the argument not as important or they are really furious. Look at his actions to determine what state your husband is. Does your partner suddenly agree with everything, he doesn't bring forward his own opinion and shows less feelings for you, it's urgently time for a conversation. Try to start a chat while you sit together on the coach watching TV.
Men who resort to sex to make up might want to avoid the talking part and give you the feeling everything has been solved already. Obviously, this method does not work and can even add a snowball effect. There is nothing wrong with "make-good" sex as long as it is preceded by a good conversation.
No woman has ever been annoyed by a gift. But ask yourself first why the man bought this gift for you. Apologies? Also, doesn't he tell you why he bought the gift for you? Then he is for sure in the denial phase and tries to reassure you. Try to make him tell him why he bought the gift.
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