Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rejuvenate using Your Own Stemcells and Blood.

Plastic Surgery or Cosmetic Surgery: rejuvenate your Skin by means of your own Stem Cells and BloodImage by eworm via Flickr
Women who want to update their appearance can now rely entirely on two new methods: stem cell injection and blood injections.

Women typically use all kind of products like creams, lotions etc. to get their skin radiant and tight again, in other words to restore beauty. But what if the Anti-Aging secret was hidden within your OWN BODY?
Doctors and scientists discovered a technology that uses blood and stem cells to rejuvenate the skin.

Stem Cell Injection

Although cosmetic surgery takes no stem cells from embryos, the use of stem cells stays quiet controversial. Now how does this work? Your own fat in your body has adult stem cells that can be used for this method. Not necessary to mention they are in generally abundantly and easily available. So the doctor gets fat from your body and isolates or extracts the stem cells. Then the cells are remixed with some of the fat and injected into the face. This will give you stunning results in the fight against wrinkles.

Another interesting aspect of this method is the fact that it is not considered as a "drug" therapy or treatment by the FDA (Food & Drugs Administration): the cosmetic enhancement is executed in the same operative session as the liposuction to get the fat out of the body. Yet there are some pitfalls. Some doctors simply inject fat under your skin. It has a shorter life (it doesn't keep long) and reduces the blood flow in the long run, making the result look rather messy.

Plastic Surgery or Cosmetic Surgery: rejuvenate your Skin by means of your own Stem Cells and Blood

Typically, the stem cell injection technique is applied in the following four situations: Facial Fat Injections, Brazilian Butt Lift, Hand Rejuvenation and Breast Enhancements. Radiotherapy injuries, skin tissue defaults and defects, lumpectomy rebuild and breast reconstruction after breast cancer are currently under research and development.

Blood Injection

Also by injecting blood one can make wrinkles disappear. Plasma is taken from your own blood by means of a plasma centrifuge. Your plasma contains many growth elements that stimulate the collagen production. And a face with much collagen is a face with fewer wrinkles...

If you want more detailed information I suggest you check out Plastic or Cosmetic Surgery Introduction.

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Anonymous said...

Nice Post! I am joyful to be a part of this post.
injection of stem cells

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