Bananas and Aids
The element BanLec, a lectin frequently found in bananas, is as effective in fighting AIDS than all the existing drugs, according to Swanson. BanLec would avoid the virus entering in the body, and thanks to its special structure it would be very resistant to mutations of the virus. This makes that the AIDS virus can go through several mutations before it can circumvent the effect of BanLec.
Weight-Loss and Seaweed
Seaweed can be at great help for weight-loss diets. Research shows that especially the natural seaweed alginate fiber, reduces fat absorption by 75%.
The best diet remedies promise 50% reduced fat intake, but that result is not always achieved. Seaweed could according to scientists stop 75% of the fat intake of your meals. This is because of the ingredient alginate you can find in seaweed. Because the remedy itself is as googd as tasteless, the scientists count to introduce it in high concentrations in other foods.
According to researchers seaweed will be the ideal solution to combat obesity.
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