Friday, May 21, 2010

Engagement Piercing for Alternative Brides?


Engagement Piercing: a heart-shaped diamant for US$ 30,000


Extravagant women wanting to make their wedding day as special as possible, will now no longer choose the traditional engagement ring. Jeweler Johnny Brookheart brought a lot more painful and eccentric engagement accessory on the market: the engagement piercing.

The piercing is done in your tongue, navel or nipple. It consists of a large diamond jewelry, in the form of a heart.


Johnny Brookheart's largest diamond engagement piercing, a two carat heart shaped diamond with superior cut and color.             Johnny Brookheart's Engagement Piercing: Diamond setting and ball are made from solid 14 karat gold and finished in a high polish.


Interested women have to think over carefully their engagement accessory, because it is a very expensive gadget. For example, the cheapest engagement piercing goes for 11,500 US dollars and a small heart-shaped piercing will cost you quickly 31,500 US dollars.


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