Sunday, August 8, 2010

Emma Watson goes for short hair.

Emma Watson celebrated the end of the Harry Potter movies with a new hairdo. The British actress opted for a short coupe.

The 20-year-old Harry Potter star made the news itself known on Facebook. "I had my hair cut a few days ago. I love it, it feels great. Hope you like it," she wrote on her Facebook page.

Watson, currently studying at the Brown University, will be shining in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" for the last time as Hermione Granger.

Avril Lavigne: "I'm addicted to black eyeliner"

According to Canadian singer Avril Lavigne's own words she has been for many years addicted to black eyeliner. She confessed that to

"I always wear it. I feel naked if I don't have eyeliner with me."

Lavigne does believe that her dress has changed a lot in recent years. "I can't imagine that I ever have worn wide pants. It was a crazy time.

The singer of "Complicated" is equally a couple with The Hills star Brody Jenner.

Why airplane food never tasts good!

Airplane food never tasts as good as when you eat it outside the plane...

Airplane food is seldom a very tasty. Don't blame the cook though, blame your taste buds.

An investigation conducted by German professors found that our taste buds are 20 to 30% less functional at high altitudes when it comes to salt tasting. Our sweet taste buds lose out by 20% and the power of herbs disappear almost completely. Only bitter and sour flavors are maintained, whatever the altitude of the aircraft.

According to the researchers, the reduced taste has much to do with the extremely dry air, present in the airplane. This diminishes our sense of smell, and our smell is 80% responsible for our taste.

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