Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lesbians love Justin Bieber

Lesbians Crazy about Justin Bieber


Lesbians are, weird but true, crazy about Justin Bieber. One even set up a website in which she searches for the best lesbian lookalikes of the singer. On some photographs it is difficult to distinguish who is Bieber or an ordinary American teenager. The many entries from the websites show that Bieber is very popular with the lesbians. Especially his hair is religiously copied.

Take the test yourself through this link: do you see the difference?

Jessica Simpson wears Fake Jewelry


Jessica Simpson wears luxurious clothing, but saves on her jewels.

"Almost all my jewels are fake. I love diamonds, but I do not have the budget to appear every day with another pair of diamond earrings. Therefore I take pleasure in fake jewelry. And the best part of it is that nobody believes they're fake, because you're a celebrity and celebrities are supposed to wear real ones" said Simpson.

Most women are stressed


85% of women are often stressed. This can be caused by work and by the home situation, according to a study of 300 women in Vitango between 20 and 40 years.

Many women experience daily stress by a combination of work and home. Apparently women are mostly stressed by a family planning (12%), marriage (11%), divorce (7%), travel (6%) and a new job (5%).

One in five women said they're frequently nervous about work situations. Important discussions with colleagues and overtime are the main causes of stress feelings.

Milk Helps Lose Weight


An Israeli investigation reveals that when you daily drink a few glasses of milk together with some other milk products, your diet is more likely to succeed.

People who had a high calcium intake for two years, lost 6 kg on average during the study. Those who had low calcium intake, lost only two kilograms. The researchers, moreover, pointed out the health benefits of milk. When you lose weight you get more vitamin D in your blood. And this vitamin is also responsible for calcium absorption in the body…

Dogs Make Children more Active



Parents who are concerned about the movement scheme of their children, can let their child unconsciously move more by getting a dog in your home.

Children who have a dog, move daily about 11 minutes on average longer than children without a dog. The dog also has a positive impact on the parents, those with a dog move on average 25% more than their peers without pets.

According to the researchers, it is unclear whether more active people opt for a dog or if it's the dog that makes people more active.

Why Throwing Things is Difficult


You know you'll never use that tape recorder anymore and the old hairdryer you might throw out as well. Why do we hold on so anxiously to certain objects?

What rubbish is for others has great emotional value for you. Yvonne De Bruin and Sonja Buys describe this syndrome as 'emotional glue' in their book 'Living tidy in your house' "Emotional glue is the feeling or (nostalgic) memory that an object carries with itself." Many are not aware of this 'glue' and therefore refuse to believe this is the reason for their untidy house.

Do you want to start cleaning out, but you do not succeed to say goodbye to certain items? Try some simple questions to this dilemma. What does this item for me, what period does it reminds me of and what makes it so special it cannot be replaced, or discarded. Did you give an honest answer to all three questions, and you still can't see the cause of your emotional glue? Ask a friend to listen to your answers. An objective person can more easily identify potential root causes.

Jeans date back to 1650


Those who thought that a pair of jeans dates from recent years, are wrong. From a few paintings we know now that some kind of jeans was worn already back in 1650.

On the paintings we see a woman with a blue cloth, a blue skirt and a child with a blue vest. White seams can be seen on the blue tissues, a characteristic of an old, worn jeans. The paintings portray some poor families, which is remarkable. "Only the rich usually ordered paintings of themselves. It is very remarkable that poorer families are painted with such precision," says an art historian at the British newspaper Daily Mail.

The paintings clearly suggests that there already existed a pair of jeans in 1650, but where the tissue comes from is yet unclear. Some think that jeans were first made in Genoa, Italy, while others insist that jeans were first produced in Nîmes, France.

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