Sunday, March 14, 2010

13,589 USD On Make-Up

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - JANUARY 28:  L�Oréal Me...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

The average British woman spends 9.877 euro which is 13,588.78 USD on make-up. The recent British study reveals moreover that at least 70% of the British women do not leave the house without make-up.

One fifth of the partners has never seen his wife or girlfriend without make-up, even not in bed. Four out of ten women would shame herself if she was seen by colleagues without make-up. Furthermore the research-report showed that an average British woman goes shopping for make-up five times a year and spends each shopping-session approximately 41 US dollars.
On a year's base this goes up to 198 US dollars.

Seven out of ten think they're more pretty with make-up and 68% of the women feel themselves more self-assured.
"British Women use make-up to stimulate their self-confidence and to feel themselves more fashionable and joung, says researcher Sara Wolverson.

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