Monday, March 1, 2010

Women Have 3 Times As Much Sexpartners As Their Mothers

Tsimtsili-Sex-And-The-City-Nights-Party Women in their twenties have 3 times more Sex Partners or Bed Partners than their motherImage by Greek News magazine via Flickr
Women in their twenties have three times more bed partners then their mother. This was shown by a questionnaire of 3000 women by the British Lloyd Pharmacy.
5.65 sexual partners is currently the average of a 24-year-old woman. Sixty years ago, when some enlighted women stood up for their sexual rights, the number was 1.67. In the seventies that number rose to 3.72. The Lloyd Pharmacy study numbers made the researchers estimate that by the year 2010 8% of all women would have more than 10 bed partners.

Sexual Health

The research also proves we still have some problems with sexual health. The number of cervical cancers, despite better screening, has not decreased. The main cause of cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted infection, called the human papilloma virus (HPV).
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