Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Making Love Without Feeling Like It Is No Good Idea.

Many women make love without feeling like it, without lust. Psychologists argument it is not the best thing a woman can do.

Many women are diving into bed with their husbands without actually feeling like having sex. According to psychologists, however, this is about the worst thing you can do.

Many women are not as sexually oriented as their husband. Fear of losing him makes them having sex anyway, even if they don't feel like it at all. Psychologists warn for the negative consequences of such sex. Thus, women are increasingly starting to dislike sex because they (often) do not enjoy it.

Also, when women are not excited, their clitoris will not swell and therefor will be no strong blood flow from the vagina. This prevents the production of extra blood plasma, which serves as a natural lubricant. This makes it a very unpleasant and painful sexual intercourse.


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