Monday, August 16, 2010

Perfect Knees after Surgery with Painkiller




A new treatment without anesthesia gives women perfect knees. The girls have to take a painkiller and after surgery wear 10 days long compression garments around the knees.

Doctor George Roman calls his treatment 'Ultra lipolysis'. The procedure is similar to liposuction.

Tiny incisions are made in the skin of the knee. Through these incisions is brought a small laser cannon to heat the subcutaneous fat and break it down. The treatment also ensures that the skin is tighter. The skin tone and structure would be even better.


The knee is currently in plastic surgery a bit of a problem child. Cellulite, fat accumulation and other imperfections discourage many women from wearing a short skirt.

George Roman claims he tackles all these defects in one go. The results of the cutting and suction work is only seen after several weeks.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Breast Enlargement for 3 US dollars




From: Bild, German newspaper:

A 25-year-old swaps her B-cup soon for a C-cup for only € 2.57. The German woman born in Kazakhstan, got a breast enlargement through an online auction. 
Julia R., a housewife from Schweinfurt, puts her hands in the air because she didn’t win the highest bid, but the lowest. It was a publicity stunt by a beauty clinic in Hamburg.
The brunette is in the clouds. "I always wanted that one more size," she says. "It just looks better."
Next week, Julia registers for the surgery procedure. Doctors in Hamburg aren’t happy. They do not believe that such interventions should be offered at auction, certainly not at dumping prices.

Image: Bild

New Superbug NDM-1 Spreading Through the World via Plastic Surgery Asia




Jumping across different types of bacteria, a new class of 'superbug', the NDM-1 or 'New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1' has been spotted in the U.K. and Europe. First identified last year by Cardiff University’s Timothy Walsh in two types of bacteria, Klebsiella pneu-moniae and Escherichia coli, in a Swedish patient admitted to hospital in India.

Already 44 cases are reported in Chennai and 26 in Haryana, India. Until today the NDM-1 gene beats even Carbapenems, a group of antibiotics often used as last resort in the fight against multi-drug resistant bugs.

Reason to worry? 37 cases in the U.K., all patients who travelled recently to Asia to undergo plastic surgery procedures. So medical tourists such as plastic or cosmetic surgery patients should be examined or screened before receiving medical care in the U.K. (and elsewhere of course).

Blaming India??? According to Dr V.M. Katoch, Secretary for Health Research and Chairman of the Indian Council of Medical Research it is unfair to blame India for that. "Multi-drug resistance can be found anywhere in the world!"

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ice-cream for 21,800 US dollars.



Somebody who likes sweet and wants to be extravagant, can now do so with the world's most expensive dessert.

The gadget is available at Serendipity 3 in New York and requires a preparation of no less than two weeks. For dessert, you pay 16,500 Euros or 21,800 US dollars. For that price you get vanilla ice cream in which gold is processed, you eat the thing with a golden spoon and as a souvenir you get a small gold bar to take home. Bon Appétit! Princesse

Kate Moss producing Jam!


Top Model Kate Moss is producing Jam from her fruit plantations, and count selling her own Jam-line.


Top model Kate Moss has a new hobby. The blonde thinks about using her fruit plantations to setup a professional jam business.

"Kate has incredible fruit trees on her property. To make use of the delicious sweets she started making jam. She was so pleased with the result that she purchased professional equipment and now she hopes that her jam-line will soon be in the stores. She convinced her friends already by sending everyone of them a jar of jam, "said one insider.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Emma Watson goes for short hair.

Emma Watson celebrated the end of the Harry Potter movies with a new hairdo. The British actress opted for a short coupe.

The 20-year-old Harry Potter star made the news itself known on Facebook. "I had my hair cut a few days ago. I love it, it feels great. Hope you like it," she wrote on her Facebook page.

Watson, currently studying at the Brown University, will be shining in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" for the last time as Hermione Granger.

Avril Lavigne: "I'm addicted to black eyeliner"

According to Canadian singer Avril Lavigne's own words she has been for many years addicted to black eyeliner. She confessed that to

"I always wear it. I feel naked if I don't have eyeliner with me."

Lavigne does believe that her dress has changed a lot in recent years. "I can't imagine that I ever have worn wide pants. It was a crazy time.

The singer of "Complicated" is equally a couple with The Hills star Brody Jenner.

Why airplane food never tasts good!

Airplane food never tasts as good as when you eat it outside the plane...

Airplane food is seldom a very tasty. Don't blame the cook though, blame your taste buds.

An investigation conducted by German professors found that our taste buds are 20 to 30% less functional at high altitudes when it comes to salt tasting. Our sweet taste buds lose out by 20% and the power of herbs disappear almost completely. Only bitter and sour flavors are maintained, whatever the altitude of the aircraft.

According to the researchers, the reduced taste has much to do with the extremely dry air, present in the airplane. This diminishes our sense of smell, and our smell is 80% responsible for our taste.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Danish Princess Mary expects twins

Danish Princess Mary is pregnant again. The wife of Crown Prince Frederik is expecting twins, as the Court made known.

"The birth is expected somewhere in January 2011" the palace said in a statement.

The 38-year-old Australian Mary Donaldson married on May 14, 2004 with the 42-year-old prince. The couple has two children: Christian (4) and Isabella (3).

Laurence Fishburne offers US$ 1,000,000 for adult movie daughter

U.S. actor Laurence Fishburne is not happy with the story of the porn movie of his daughter, Montana. He even offered to buy all the copies.

The 19-year-old Montana  always wanted to play in adult movies according to her own words and recently made her dream come true. Her father, "CSI' actor Laurence Fishburne, didn't agree with the career path of his daughter though.

The 49-year-old actor has tried to keep the  adult movie off the market. According to U.S. entertainment website TMZ Laurence Fishburne offered the distributor one million U.S. dollars for each copy. Vivid Entertainment has rejected the bid.

Robbie Williams to Marry Today Ayda Field

British singer Robbie Williams is marrying today Saturday his girlfriend  Ayda Field. According to the Daily Mail this happens on Santa Catalina, a beautiful island off the coast of the U.S. state of California.

Only family and close friends would be welcome at the ceremony. According to the same newspaper, they heard only one week ago about the plans of the two.

Singer Jonathan Wilkes, Robbie's witness, has already flown to Los Angeles.

After the wedding the couple will remain two weeks on the island for their honeymoon. Afterwards Williams will have to go back to work; the new single from 'Take That' should be promoted .

Friday, August 6, 2010

iPhone Application Helps Choose your Perfume

Women rely more on friends and professionals when choosing a perfume. Their own sense of smell is taking second place. Therefore developed the Swiss fragrance and taste company Givaudan the "iPerfumer", a perfume application for the iPhone.

The online perfume choice takes into account the age, geographical location and preference regarding odors. In addition, users can rate the perfumes they have smelled before. Based on these personal preferences, the applications then advice some odors, which should be available in the perfume shop of choice and fit the profile of the user.

According to the creator of the application, the truth is that more and more women tend to listen to the views of a professional or a good friend, then on their own sense of smell that they trust.

Kardashian Fashion Line New!

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian get their own clothing line. The collection will be in build up with designer Bruno Schiavi.

"We are delighted to cooperate with Schiavi. His expertise and incredible creativity make him the ideal business partner," said Kim Kardashian. The collection will comprise a ready-to-wear line, including lingerie and accessories. If the fashion line is a success, at a later date children's shoes and clothes will be added.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chili Pepper Lower Blood Pressure

Chili Peppers Reduce Blood Pressure

Hot peppers not only help losing weight, they also provide a drop in blood pressure, that's what stated in the journal Cell Metabolism based on a Chinese study.

During the investigation it was shown that Chinese from the North, who ate less spicy, had a higher blood pressure than those from the South, known for their spicy food. According to the Chinese researchers provides the substance capsaicin, which gives pepper its spiciness, a lowering of the blood pressure and relaxing of  the arteries so that blood vessels are better protected infection is avoided.

Ovulating Women Buy Unconscientiously Sexy Clothes.

Women who are ovulating are more likely to come home with a sexy outfit, according to a study by the University of Minnesota.

Women who ovulate, tend to wear more sexy clothes. They don't do this to attract men but rather to bluff other women.
During the study, a photo of a beautiful woman who lived close to the women in question was shown. Then she was allowed to clothes from a nearby store. The test was then repeated, but now a picture of a less attractive woman was shown or a beautiful woman who lived far away. Remarkably, the women chose this time for normal wear.

According to the researchers it could be explained with 'getting rid of the competition in the desire of women to attract the best, most fertile man'.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sisters have more influence than parents.









Having a brother or sister is very good for your childhood. Especially having a sister has both social and emotional benefits, according to a study by the Brigham Young University.

Children who don't grow up alone feel generally happier than children without brothers or sisters. Especially sisters excel in providing benefits, as they provide faster solutions to problems, they are more protective concerning the rest of the family and they reduce feelings of loneliness, depression, insecurity and fear.

According to the researchers, the influence of a sister or brother would even be greater than the one from the parents. "They teach each other loving, being kind and generous too. For parents, it is important to encourage this  affection even more, because once older these memories provide an important protection," concluded the researchers.

One out of Five Regrets the First Year already.

One out of Five Regrets the First Year already


A marriage is not always rosy. A British survey shows that one out of five regrets his or her marriage already in the first year of marriage.

20% wonders the first year of their marriage why they have took the big step.
17% will even admit that married life is much heavier and harder than they expected.

More than one in five said they were married mainly because they felt obliged.

Especially men suffer from the social pressure to marry with their old friend. 27% admitted no longer in love with their partner at the time of marriage.

Cows Milk for your Skin


Cows Milk is not only good for your bones, your skin also benefits from a daily dose of milk. That's what says a British study.

Colostrum, the milk cows give their baby calves, has been declared by the British fashion magazine Vogue a 'must-have' in your bathroom.
According to the magazine several studies show that the stuff full is of  essential vitamins and nutrients, making it particularly good for the skin.

Some cosmetics companies have already included milk than in their creams and promise fewer wrinkles and fine lines even within weeks. Skin damaged by sun could be repaired by the milk as well.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weak Performances Carla Bruni Irritate Woody Alle.

Carla Bruni, the Fist Lady of France, walks new artistic paths. U.S. director Woody Allen has managed to give her a role in his new film 'Midnight in Paris'. The film is shot these days in Paris.

So far, so good if it wasn't that French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has not much blood of an actress! The first takes showed weak performances, performances that apparently annoyed Woody Allen tremendously.

The Italian singer needed as many as 35 takes for a scene where the brunette was not even talking. Bruni has the annoying habit to look straight into the camera.

"Woody Allen was pissed off, but very cautious. He does his utmost best to show respect, more over because Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is constantly guarded by bodyguards,"
according to Perez-Hilton.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited the set earlier to encourage his wife.

Out-working Mother Not Harmfull for Child.

A working mother is not necessarily bad for the family. That's what argue researchers at Columbia University.

"When women go out working, it's damaging to the children", was an assertion long supported by many studies. Now U.S. researchers say however that there is the other side of the medal. Thus, mothers spend effectively less time actually with their children, but the advantages to a working mother are greater than the disadvantages.

The financial status of the family is much better when the mother works. This allows the child to go to a better childcare center, and as such can benefit improved care. Moreover, the mothers have better mental  wellness, family relationships are healthier and can therefore spend more quality time with their children.

Italians lost their appeal?

According to a survey of over 1,000 female tourists, the Italian men have lost their appeal.

Italian men were once known for their flattery, and their romantic advances, briefly, to make the hearts of a lot of girls beat faster. But now female tourists associate Italian men mainly with an extremely infantile behavior (49%). They also think that too many Italians bring their feminine side too much forwards and they have lost their charm in the field of entertainment.

Students, entrepreneurs, entertainers and DJs are the most popular holiday lovers for tourists. The beach boys who lure people into nightclubs are completely out of 'love fashion'.

Snail Slime to Reduce Heavy Pains.

The slime produced by snails could become revolutionary in medicine. A study from the University of Queensland shows that snail slime is very soothing.

The snail slime is full of toxic peptides, which gives the snail the possibility to kill a prey. The snail slime was previously used to reduce pain, but had to be administered via an injection in the spine. The researchers from the University of Queensland, however, stabilized the peptides in such a way that they were capable of producing a pill.

According to the researchers, it could reduce extreme pains already at a very low dose. This could make for a revolution in treating painful conditions.

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