Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Your Sleep Position Reveals the Nature of Your Relationship

A couple's sleeping position says a lot about the nature of their relationship. Although this is not a accurate indicator of the health of a couple's relationship, it does give us information if the position habits of sleeping are persistent.Image by Janesdead via Flickr

Do you and your sleeping partner sleep as spoons or separate from each other? The way a couple in bed sleeps can tell us much about their relationship.

British couples sleeping as spoons together are very protective for each other according to Dr Pam Spurr. The one lying on the outside is a partner who is very caring and wants to comfort, support the other. Lie with your back towards your partner and you're very independent. On the other hand it could also point out that you are growing apart from each other.

If the man sleeps on his back with the woman in his arms is a sign that the man gives his partner emotional support. Are you sleeping with your legs intertwined, this shows the tremendous pleasure in the relationship.

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